Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Why does Deathcore sucks?

I know what the metal heads say everyday "Metalcore sucks dick" "Metalcore isn't metal" and my favorite "Metalcore is just as worse as the Jonas Brotheres". Even though metalcore has its quirks most of the time there are bands that know to use the genre well. However, deathcore brings up a spectrum of disgust to the metal community and my bipolarity. I notice this because I went to a show down by Dirty Jacks in Over the Rhine (fortunately there were no gangsters or drug dealers on this day because it seemed to be a holiday for them) on Friday. Well I meet some cool dudes down there and talked with some of the band members who have similar taste of music as I do. The usual stuff about how awesome Cannibal Corpse is, telling our mosh pit stories, etc. Until my heart was pierced like spear decapitating someone's head by this comment: "Yeah, Job for a Cowboy is the best band out there." O_O

Now if this fucker didn't talk about Obituary with me or if wasn't wearing a Sodom t-shirt before talking about JFAC, I would've sacrifice his maggot ass to a wendigo (for those who don't know what a wendigo, check Wiki). Out of all the bands who disgrace the name of music, JFAC is the dictator. Why do I hate deathcore so much? I blame JFAC for this.

A year ago, I went to the Sounds of the Underground tour which had an amazing line-up and was a blast and worth going to. So who was the first band to go; brownie points for those who can guess before I say the answer........ding Job for a Cowboy. Now I'd never heard of JFAC, only through word of mouth of classmates and seeing the t-shirts in Hot Topic (god forbid, that was the mistake). Since Amon Amarth and In Flames wasn't due for a while, I decided to check them out. Seeing the fans were itching for the pit and the band as well, I was preparing myself as well.....Until I heard the song "Altered from Catechinization". This is where a 10-ton anvil falls on my head and splatters my brain matter all over the concrete. What the hell was I thinking?! I must say the pit however was fun and insane but I gave up after the first song because I was overwhelmed with dissapointment and decide to walk my ass outside to bang my head against the guardrail.

When hearing them, I was thinking Trivium. Why Trivium? Well Trivium needs to get their ass handed by Metallica because they are the carbon copy of them. Plagrisim anyone? But back to JFAC. Why do you say I was in a state of malice for this band? One, they took genre that I dearly love, death metal and molded it with the shit-infested breakdown riffs of hardcore. Congratulations! You created the genre known as deathcore! Yay! *bitch smack*

Unfortunately this wasn't the last time I experienced the horror known as deathcore. I went to the Mayhem Tour in Indiana and experienced a complete replica of JFAC. Enter Suicide Silence. You think you've seen scene kids at their worst, wait until you see this bunch. Considering how untalented these fucks are, I decided to see how tough these "scene kids" really are. And as I predicted, these "guys" crack like a boy's voice when hitting puberty. Fortunately, it was my last time ever listening to a deathcore band period.

Now I don't really hold a grudge against people who listens to these type of bands. However, if you consider talking a shot on death metal or say saying how terrible the vocals are, then I "accidently" will throw you into the iron maiden (no I wasn't talking about the band, but kodos for you thinking about them). So the one question I leave with is, how long do you think deathcore will be sticking around. For all we know, it'll probably stick around by the time of the end of the world, 2012. Or could shred them to pieces like a good George Romero movie. I guess it depends if you like wearing tight pants.


Bradley said...

I'm starting to think we should form some sort of metal blog together. You, me, Thompson, that kind of thing. Do some reviews, discuss the philosophical aspects of metal, that stuff.

JFaC rules!

(they don't actually rule, I just like them for their deathcore-gimmick)

Andrew Thompson said...

that actually sounds like something I'd be interested in. Just get one universal login for blogger and do it there (because honestly, unlike you Brad, I wouldn't care as much about this one as you do NegZen).

Andrew Thompson said...

Oh, and yours is good as well.

Garrett Wilson said...

I guess we can do that. 3 metal heads are better than one.

Garrett Wilson said...

And like I said I don't hate everyone for listening to deathcore because every should pursue a happiness in whatever genre you choose. I'm just expressing my transgression against the genre because they disappoint me.

Bradley said...

You don't have to do a universal login for Blogger, you can invite members, which use their blogger accounts to access and post.

Andrew Thompson said...

works for me, just send me an invite and whatnot.

Anonymous said...

About that last comment, fuck off. As a person who's into Hardcore (ie. Metalcore, Grindcore, Deathcore, and Hardcore Punk), I know for sure that this scene isn't full of scene kids. Scene kids are off listening to Breathe Carolina, Millionaires, and "Post-Hardcore". Now, for the sound. I come from a Punk background, then I got into Metal. I like breakdowns. So naturally, I like Metalcore and Deathcore. don't get me wrong, I sometimes need a time off from breakdowns. I don't know how long Deathcore will last, but I'll always like it. I like all kinds of music, except country(but I can still appreciate it). Once I like a particular type of music, I don't stop liking it. It's called being OPEN-MINDED!!! Just because you don't like something, doesn't mean it doesn't have credibility.

steven2812 said...

Good article but I really hate the comment you made about Trivium, but whatever, Deathcore sucks

Unknown said...

I believe your topic is completely unfounded. You say you were disappointed in JFAC. I agree that JFAC is not a very good band because of their repeating of one riff during a song. Breakdowns don't have to be bad thing, but an addition to a bands technicality along with sweeps and solos. JFAC is missing the latter and that's why I don't like them. If you think technicality is useless and it's all about brutality and lyrics about war and destruction, well, fuck it all and listen to some boring Metallica. This gets me to your mentioning of Trivium and it's comparison to Metallica. The ONLY similarity are maybe the vocals, but nothing else. I'd like to see Metallica play like that (fine, One is an exception). Btw, I didn't get why you fought of them at that time but who cares, you just made another ungrounded opinion. Want deathcore? Listen to some Veil of Maya and then tell me what you find disappointing in them. I am a fan of death metal, not to be mistaken and I only defend a bands talent and songwriting as long as it has anything to go by. I totally agree with dahriman saying there is a good deathcore band and a bad death metal band and vice versa. JFAC and Defiler are bands that make the genre repulsive too 'real' metalheads, but you shouldn't judge it simply because of them but give a chance to some real ones like Born of Osiris and Origin. Sorry if you're offended but it's sometimes the only way to explain.

Europa said...

You wouldn't experience it so Often if you didn't go to such shitty music festivals.

-StoneMonkey <3

Europa said...
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dethlord57 said...
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dethlord57 said...

Im not a scene,I am a die-hard metalhead, but i do have many scene friends and their actually really fun to hang out with but that is not my point. Deathcore is a sub-genre that combines many traits from death metal, metalcore/grindcore but there are only selectbands that deserve to be listened to. To back up my previous point, just listen to a bit of Whitechapel, or Carnifex, or Chealsea Grin (name is not about a girl but taken from a method of mob execution)I love deathcore and almost all types of metal. Just give these bands a listen and see if they change your mind and if they dont then whatever, but just try them.

origin said...
